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Transitions     Coaching
 boosting Confidenc
building Resilience  
.... your future  
your choice

My Journey
There comes a time in life when the right sort  of
personal/professional development is essential if we are       to win back control: we've had enough of being             swamped by challenging events
  This 'truth' opened up to me in 2012 when I began a 2 year professional coaching, positive psychology & NLP odyssey.
During my EMCC & ICF endorsed training courses                 [DISA personality profiling being a particular highlight]                I discovered an energising, creative 'coastal' pathway to experiencing  greater happiness and well-being.
My move to south-east Devon in May 2020 [an incredibly energising place to live] enabled me to experience the fuller reality of 'Reinvention' for myself - especially as the pandemic made the move even more challenging!
 By utilising  the transformational creative power within yourself, you can enhance your well-being and find the pathway that's right for you - TODAY! 
[Coaching is not therapy counselling or psychotherapy -
The difference is explained in 'What you need to know'
on the Contacts page.]

   Your resilient, confident, happier future awaits.
Life Transitions Solution-Focused Coaching 
 for YOUR enhanced Wellbeing 

Do you want to explore a different direction for your life? Actually walking our glorious coastal paths enables you to absorb more of the 'Littoral Wisdom' on our doorstep & 'realise' the life you want.

 My bespoke Creative Coastal Wellbeing coaching [at my Lympstone/Topsham base South-East Devon or via Zoom] - could  provide you with the inspiration you need to live life YOUR way. 

Working with me will give you the opportunity to maximise your personal /professional development -

  •  positive self-talk [replace limiting beliefs]

  • align your core values & beliefs for purpose driven living 

  • appreciate  your strengths & boost your resilience

  • choose empowering reactions to events/people 

  • absorb littoral wisdom from our beautiful coastal setting

  • utilise  personality DISA profiling for faster change

  • appreciate how to wear colour to enhance who you are                                                                                                                           Why wait? Get the life you want today.

Your first session is FREE.
You deserve a safe confidential and reflective space to unpack the transformational power of rediscovering YOUR values and  strengths so you can navigate  important life decisions & upheavals effectively. I combine the principles of NLP, coastal 'littoral' wisdom & positive psychology with a solution-focused approach to secure your best future.
In this 'discovery' session we get to know each other and assess which solution is best for you. 
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